EFC Spring Banner


Founded in 1966, Exeter Fine Crafts is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to keeping traditional handcrafted art a visible and vital part of our community. For over 50 years we have promoted craft and craftspeople alike with our retail gallery, educational programs and artist demonstrations.

Our gallery at 61 Water Street in historic downtown Exeter is the cultural center of our organization. Here we offer a venue for craftspeople to display their work and classrooms that host educational programs for our greater community. To view our current classes visit HERE.

Our Board of Directors is comprised of community members who are passionate about the preservation of fine crafts.

Board of Directors:
Dale Atkins, Chairperson
Kristin Johnson, Secretary
Renee Cronin
Lisa Doherty
Katie Firczuk
Allison Wasiewski

Our purpose is to preserve and promote handcrafted arts and craftspeople in northern New England so they continue to be a visible, vital and cherished part of our cultural heritage. By providing both an educational and a retail environment, we expand public awareness and understanding of craft traditions and innovations, and increase public and private support for fine crafts and craftspeople.
Exeter Fine Crafts • 61 Water Street, Exeter NH 03833 • (603)778-8282 • info@exeterfinecrafts.comExeter Fine Crafts •(603)778-8282 • info@exeterfinecrafts.com
Gallery Hours:
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri & Sat 10 - 5:30
Sun 12 - 4

Site design by ©Exeter Fine Crafts. Individual works © by the respective artists.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, including the right to reproduce this website or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.